new website is going live!
As we transition from our old 2007 website, to our brand new site, we ask you to be patient as minor fixes, bugs, and tweaks are worked out. We are currently transferring all the accounts from the previous website over including purchase history, user information, passed exams and certificate data.
Please take note of some of the changes, and updates this new website will allow agents to do that weren't possible with the previous one:
New website growing pains
Just as we did in 2007, switching from one website to another always has some growing pains. You may notice the site down, or unresponsive in the first week or two as we smush bugs and make updates to help the flow and use of the new system. We ask for your patience and continued support as we make this change. We also thank you for your input as we make these small tweaks to the new system.
Update your personal info on first login
When you first log into the new it will ask you to verify and update your full name, address, and license number.
Please take the time to make sure the name fields are in the proper location, and if you have insurance licenses in multiple states, you can put each one in state by state! The system now has the capacity to hold them all!
Our new certificate system!
In the past, the old website only kept your certificate for one year from the date of purchase. With the new system you should have access to any course certificate you take indefinitely. If you cannot find a certificate let us know and we can try to find it for you! Old certificates from the previous system should be on the new website, and of course any new courses you take after the change will be there too under the my account section.
Same courses - new format
We've done our best to keep the same courses, questions and content from our previous website and convert them to work on all of today's modern browsers and mobile devices. We have done our best to make the transition as smooth as possible. If you cannot get a course to work for any reason please let us know.
Any issues? We're here to help!
Please let us know if there are issues! We're here to help!
As always, team members are available Monday - Friday, 8am - 4:30 pm Pacific standard time to help answer questions regarding our system, or what courses you should be taking. Please be aware that we may have a high call volume at first and to try to use our help center for commonly asked questions.
800 517 7500 | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.